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oxidation-reduction|pcc-baeyer villiger reaction-NaBH4-LiAlH4-BH3-DIBALH-Lindler catalyst Rosenmund

Assalam o Alaikum in this lecture i am going to discuss complete overview of oxidation and reduction with different types of oxidizing and reducing agents.i define oxidation and reduction in different oxidation types of Alcohol are discussed that are primary alcohol secondary alcohol tertiary alcohol.i oxidized all three types of alcohols and aldehyde ketone and carboxylic acid are formed.This lecture is delivered in Urdu ,Hindi and English. oxidizing agents that are discussed in this lecture are following:- 1) Cr3 + H2SO4 2) Na2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 3) Na2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 These three oxidizing agents are the source of H2CrO4 OR Chromic acid.that oxidize alcohol to aldehyde and ketone and aldehyde and ketone to carboxylic acid. 4) PCC (Pyridinium chloro chromate ) this oxidize alcohol to aldehyde and ketone and reaction covert primary alcohol to aldehyde and secondary alcohol to ketone. 5) Baeyer Villiger reaction in this per acid is used as oxidizing agent that oxide aldehyde to carboxylic acid and oxide ketone to ester. 6) MILD ACTIVE CATALYSTS OR oxidizing agent . FEHLING SOLUTION :- It oxide aldehyde to carboxylic acid ketones not give this reaction. tollen solution OR oxidizing agent It oxide aldehyde to carboxylic acid ketones not give this reaction. Benedict solution or oxidizing agent It oxide aldehyde to carboxylic acid ketones not give this reaction. 7) Alkenes can also be oxidized to epoxide by peracid or Baeyer Villiger reaction 8) hydroxylation of alkenes:- in this we use these methods that are following:- KMNO4 + OH OSO4 + NAIO4 HFO4 + NAIO4 These oxidizing agents oxidize alkene to vicinal diol.and secondary alcohol to ketone. 9) ozonolysis :- in this use O3 -78c and oxidative and reductive work up and obtain aldehyde ketone and carboxylic acid. oxidative work up :- dilute acid H3O+ + H2O In this one product is aldehyde or ketone and second is carboxylic acid reductive work up :- Zn + CH3COOH ZN/H2O Pd/H2 (CH3)2 IN reductive work up Both products are ketones Reducing agents :- 10) Hydrogenation in alkenes (catalytic reduction) alkenes can be converted into alkanes by H2/Pt/Pd/Ni/H2 + Raney nikal 11) Rosenmund reduction:- acylchloride can be converted OR REDUCE into ALDEHYDE by H2/Pd/BaSO4 AND R3N or ALDEHYDE can be converted into primary alcohol. 12) Dissolving metal reduction:- in this we use two types of reducing agents .one reduce alkyne or acetylene cis alkene that is H2/Pd/BaSO4. IN SECOND WE can reduce alkyne or acetylene trans alkene by K/Na in liquid ammonia. by hydrogenation we can convert it in normal alkanes. 13) Reduction with hydride:- NaBH4 LiAlH4 BH3 DIBALH these are source of hydride. NaBH4 REDUCE ALDEHYDE to primary & ketones to secondary alcohol .it does not reduce amides ester and carboxylic acid LiAlH4 it reduce carboxylic acid to ALDEHYDE and ALDEHYDE to primary alcohol .it does reduce amides ester and carboxylic acid also. DIBALH reduce ester to aldehyde and primary alcohol. i cover the following contents :- 1) oxidizing agents and reducing agents 2) oxidizing agents organic chemistry 3) oxidizing agents examples 4) oxidizing agents used in organic chemistry 5) strong oxidizing agents 6) chromium based oxidizing agents 7) best oxidizing agents 8) oxidizing and reducing agents class 10 9) oxidizing and reducing agents organic chemistry 10) oxidizing and reducing agents class 11 11) oxidizing and reducing agents class 9 12) oxidizing and reducing agents examples 13) good oxidizing agents 14) oxidizing and reducing agents in hindi 15) oxidizing agents in organic chemistry 16) mild oxidizing agents 17) reducing and oxidizing agents organic chemistry 18) oxidizing and reducing agents 19) oxidizing and reducing agents trick 20) oxidation and reduction in chemistry 21) oxidation and reduction kya hai 22) nabh4 reaction 23) nabh4 reduction 24) nabh4 mechanism 25) nabh4 vs lialh4 26) nabh4 reagent 27) nabh4 reaction with ketone 28) nabh4 and ch3oh 29) nabh4 aldehyde 30) nabh4 and ketone 31) nabh4 and ester 32) is nabh4 a nucleophile 33) is nabh4 a strong reducing agent 34) is nabh4 a reducing agent 35) is nabh4 a strong base 36) is nabh4 a lewis acid 37) nabh4 base 38) nabh4 benzaldehyde 39) nabh4 carboxylic acid 40) nabh4 carbonyl 41) nabh4 can reduce 42) nabh4 does not reduce 43) nabh4 to aldehyde 44) use nabh4 vs lialh4 45) nabh4 workup 46) nabh4 is used in organic chemistry to convert 47) why use nabh4 instead of lialh4 48) nabh4 vs dibal 49) bh3 as a reducing agent 50) bh3 vs nabh4 51) is bh3 a reducing agent 52) other oxidizing agent to replace potassium permanganate 53) 3 major oxidizing agents #oxidation #reduction #pcc #baeyervilligerreaction #NaBH4 #LiAlH4 #BH3 #DIBALH #Lindlercatalyst #Rosenmundreduction #ozonolysis #Pd/BaSO4 #AuthenticEducationChannel
